About me

I work as DevOps engineer at Redge Technologies creating and maintaining large video streaming platforms for clients worldwide. My main areas of focus are CI/CD and monitoring. We deal with clients who have their infrastructure onprem as well as in the cloud (mostly AWS). My daily workflow involves technologies like:

I'm a passionate learner and devote a lot of my free time to broaden my knowledge and understanding of IT and life in general. As a long time Linux user I spend a lot of time (probably too much) customizing my OS from the barebones to be efficient in day to day tasks, which is also a great opportunity to learn and understand all the mechanisms that make the operating system work.

When I'm tired of the computer screen I enjoy playing on my accoustic/electric guitar or keyboard. It helps me clear my mind of the overload of information gathered throughout the day.

Some of my free time goes to programming, the projects that I work on now can be found here

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